Pass the popcorn, kick your feet up, pop the bubbly!

Have you ever had a crappy day, and then by the grace of the Bad Luck Gods your luck changed by the receipt of some amazing and unexpected fortune?!?!?Your either shaking yes, or looking at the screen like yeah right LoL

Purposeful Serendipities is a place to let it all go and analyze the random occurences throughout the day whether it be completely sane and logical or insane and almost WTF?!?!?. . . I completely believe things happen for a reason so good or bad there's something to it.

This blog is for pure pent up fustration release{mental, emotional, sexual (MEOW)}. . . I'm not responsible for any hurt feelings, broken bones, or uncontrollable laughs or smile. If it really moves you click the comment or contact button to flip the script and release your randomocities onto me.

Eyes Wide Open for 2011

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category: ,
Hello my favorite blog ever!!!! (As my sounds echos repeatedly in this empty world of the
"world wide web")


It is officially the last day of 2010, and here I am eyes wide open. It is 5:50 AM in the fuckin' morning, in all honesty I should be sleeping but insomnia has taken over my body.

So I lay awake with my little furry pup getting rid of some of the clutter of 2010 and thinking of the possibilities and the goals of 2011.

I'm so proud of myself for completing all of my 2010 goals. Ripped that paper full of crossed out accomplishments right off my door, and said good bye to the paper of fustration, anxiety, and yet happiness/satisfaction.

I'm not the one for new years resolutions of bullshit, because why set yourself up for unrealistic things that you remember only for the week of January. I rather come up with goals for the year and ponder my steps to completing those various. I have done alright for 2010, and I'm gonna do amazing for 2011 (I feel it in my bones ;op).

Blog for 2011, we are for sure going to place. I'm going to start by finishing 2010 by taking my behind to bed, before Tash Ba G'osh shows up in th AM with the hyper shit (Uggghhh I'M STILL SLEEPING! lol)

Over and Out
OOOO (Forever Hugs but NO KISSES),
The InExperienced Expert

Winter is coming soon to bend us over!!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Anyone who know me knows I HATEEEEEEEEE (emphasis on HATEEEEEEEE) SNOW!!!!! It's pretty in books and movies, but miserable literally10 mins after it first drops!!! One of my facebook friends just posted a picture that pretty much captions Winter 2011!!!!!

Winter 2011 is coming to a neighborhood near you
 to bend you over and screw you!!!!

Lmfao wonder if they will put that on the headlines of the local newpaper during the first snow storm

Cracking Up, Laughing Out Loud, Giggling, & Throwing SnowBallssss,
The InExperienced Expert

Forget Carrie Bradshaw! Kerry Washington is it!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I have always loved Kerry Washington!!!!!

 I love the way she carries herself. I love her diverse talent, and I love how she could mix and mingle with the best of them. She is truly senstational. It's crazy, because I try not to identify with favorites too much, but Kerry has never disappointed me and her fashion game is ALWAYS on point!!!!!

OOOO(hugs NO Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert!

Let's all hold hands and be RACIST!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Today on the news I had the pleasure of hearing of the story, involving the follow-up precautions the NY Taxi Federation sought after a shooting/robbery of a cab driver. The president of the NY State Federation of Taxi Drivers, Fernando Mateo, felt the need to say, "You know, sometimes it is good we are racially profiled, because the God's honest truth is that 99 percent of the people that are robbing, stealing, killing these drivers are blacks and Hispanics,"

If he is a president of a federation making that type of statement at heavily new covered press conferences, our society as a whole can only be making steps backwards in regards to future dreams of unity, diversity, and acceptance towards cultural differences. #HeavyEyeRoll to the President of the Idiot Club!

NY POST: NY Taxi Fed President on Racial Profiling

Heavily Annoyed and Offended!
OOOO(Hugs NO Kisses),
The InExperienced Expert

P.S. Being Black or Hispanic or any race doesn't afford you the opportunity to make racist comments towards your own race and it be acceptable.