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Why I won't get hired in 2010!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Lmfao while playing a game of "Google Search" (Don't ask, don't tell). I stumbled across an article on entitled, "Job Search Struggles: The 10 People Who Don't Get Hired!". I couldn't help but laugh, and you'll see why as I break down their analysis.

1. The Inexperienced Expert – They claim to be an expert on a subject, but conversation and their job history reveal they have no real experience. This leaves experienced hiring managers unimpressed. (Funny how I make it to #1. . . This explains it all)

2. The Overly Persistent Inquirer –Repeatedly calling the interviewer to ask if a decision about the position has been made demonstrates this candidate’s lack of finesse and may cross the line into stalking. These are not the skills employers are looking for. (Yeah what happened to all those teachers and mentors who told me Persistence is Key and to never give up?!?!? Clearly they aren’t the ones getting promotions or hired according to this list)

3. The Flirt – Obviously more interested in landing a date with the interviewer than the job, the flirt is a walking HR disaster and a liability employers will quickly dismiss. Employers will quickly question the flirt’s ethics and professionalism. (I wish I could witness a flirt in an interview, probably hilarious. To be perfectly honest there's an office hoe in almost every office, so can someone please explain to me how she got hired?!?!? I'm not condoning it, but I'm just stating that in our sexualized culture how often is "The Flirst" kicked to the curb rather than being held as a company "perk).

4. The Liar – Lying about their education or experience to make themselves appear more qualified for the position makes an impression – a negative one that will hurt their long-term job search. (HELLO HAS ANYONE LOOKED OR LISTENED TO HALF OF THE CEOS AT THE TOP COMPANIES!!!! Let’s just say having a dad in a top place makes the lies look sweeter and less harmful!!! Again not condoning lying HR always find out the dirt and whatever they miss someone else will definitely put on blast!)

5. The HR Nightmare – They share too much personal information about their lifestyle choices, political views, or religious beliefs in every interview question, leaving employers bewildered and ready to move on to more thoughtful candidates. (I agree a Chatty Kathy in a workplace is bad for business, not only is she annoying but she’s cutting down production time!)

6. The Champion – Claiming in the interview they’ll outshine all current staff members is a turn off and an insult to a hiring manager’s sensibility and decision-making skills. (These "Champions" are not only annoying and cocky, but they are the first to fail or mess up on a group project. Kick Rocks you False Positive!)

7. The Overachiever – They can’t come up with a personal weakness to describe and talk about themselves as near super-human. This makes employers wonder if the candidate is just naïve, or worse, completely self-centered. (Everyone wants to be the overachiever, I don’t think anyone is going to walk into the office and say, “Well I easily get distracted!”, “I let my personal life interfere with my family life”, or even “I pretend to listen to people and do what I want in conclusion!” Let’s be real no one is perfect, but I don’t see anyone going to the office showing all the scars on the arm. I think it’s key to mention what you can do, what you expect to do, and what you will try your best to do. I’m no expert tho! LoL)

8. The Begger – With desperation, they beg the hiring manager to choose them because they’re tired of looking for a job. This leaves the hiring manager wondering about loyalty, competency, and common sense. ( Hello we’re in a recession, I’ll be begging for a job soon too!!! Help me, Help me Please! Lol seriously begging is a bad look makes you look weak in a place where you want to look strong!)

9. The Aggressor – Refusing to leave the interviewer’s office until they’re offered a job, the candidate’s aggressive behavior lands them an armed escort out of the building, rather than an invitation to start a new job. (Aggressiveness makes you the Office Bully I couldn’t agree more, and I hear Work Place Violence is on the rise, you don’t want to be the next face of America’s Most Wanted!)

10. The Casual Candidate – They dress inappropriately, show up late, and can’t provide specific answers to questions. This causes employers to question whether this is the candidate’s idea of a good impression and what they would act like in the office every day. (I agree why apply if you clearly just don’t give a F#C%! Go Home and Continue watching Maury!)

(Here's a link to the real article: Top 10 People Who don't get hired!)

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

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