Pass the popcorn, kick your feet up, pop the bubbly!

Have you ever had a crappy day, and then by the grace of the Bad Luck Gods your luck changed by the receipt of some amazing and unexpected fortune?!?!?Your either shaking yes, or looking at the screen like yeah right LoL

Purposeful Serendipities is a place to let it all go and analyze the random occurences throughout the day whether it be completely sane and logical or insane and almost WTF?!?!?. . . I completely believe things happen for a reason so good or bad there's something to it.

This blog is for pure pent up fustration release{mental, emotional, sexual (MEOW)}. . . I'm not responsible for any hurt feelings, broken bones, or uncontrollable laughs or smile. If it really moves you click the comment or contact button to flip the script and release your randomocities onto me.

1 Step Forward, 2 Step Back

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I recently purchased my beloved iPad 2. My iPad 2 was pretty serendipitous in itself because it was by luck that my sister’s co-worker happened to have an extra one. Of course being the tech junkie/closet apple product lover that I am, I couldn’t let this luck of fortune past me by. It took a little money scraping and favor-asking, but I got my iPad2 the next day, and it was love at first click/swipe. Now I have suffered the consequences of budget lunches/dinners and now a temp turned off cell phone, just because I chose my iPad 2.

The people in my life keep waving that red flag in my face saying, “Oh that is because you brought that stupid iPad”, ensuring that I don’t forget I brought myself an elaborate present. However they are completely forgetting the fact that getting the iPad 2 right now is either a lucky walk-in at a store or a 3 week waiting period game. I GOT LUCKY!!!! So what my phone is not working for approximately 8 hours, phone conversations are overrated! So what I have been eating Ramen more than once or sharing food with my 2 year old nieces!!!! It’s better than nothing. I work hard to splurge on myself every once in awhile, even if it is a little outrageous.

If it weren’t for my chance of luck, I would have stuck to my budget methods and got my iPad 2 or e –book reader device when the time was right. Seriously though how many times have you guys saw a shorter cashier line and opted to continue waiting in the long line with the extremely slow and careless cashier, or how many time have you gone to the amusement park and paid the $15 VIP pass so you can ride the faster without the lines.

While you are shaking your head at me with your judgmental eyes! I’ll be an app ahead of you HATER!
(OOOO Hugs Only Can't afford Kisses)
The InExperienced Temporarily Broke Expert!

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