Pass the popcorn, kick your feet up, pop the bubbly!

Have you ever had a crappy day, and then by the grace of the Bad Luck Gods your luck changed by the receipt of some amazing and unexpected fortune?!?!?Your either shaking yes, or looking at the screen like yeah right LoL

Purposeful Serendipities is a place to let it all go and analyze the random occurences throughout the day whether it be completely sane and logical or insane and almost WTF?!?!?. . . I completely believe things happen for a reason so good or bad there's something to it.

This blog is for pure pent up fustration release{mental, emotional, sexual (MEOW)}. . . I'm not responsible for any hurt feelings, broken bones, or uncontrollable laughs or smile. If it really moves you click the comment or contact button to flip the script and release your randomocities onto me.

What does that "C" "O" stand for?!?

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category: ,
Lmfao so I'm chilling at home with my kiddies and my mom just chillaxin' (chilling and relaxing), and I handed my niece a pair of pants my friend and I decorated for our high school homecoming. She proceeded to put on the grey stretch pants with green yellow and white decorations and RC LIONS and the year '05 on the butt. The silly girl pulls the pants up and goes "Woahhhhhh! These are magic booty pants!!! Look it says CO (mirror effect of a blocked 05) which mean Come Look at My Booty!!!!" I have been cracking the hell up since then, and let's not forget the booty poppin' lesson she tried to give myself and my mother.

Seriously, it's funny how girls have perfect jeans or jeans that show off their ASSets the best. I wonder if guys do the mirror stare with a pair of coveted pants that gives the illusion of a large package or a solid build. Lmfao I'm done with the randoms!

Missing Facebook
OOOO (Hugs only for my Facebook)
The InExperienced Expert

P.S. One last Ha Ha Ha for the day: I told my 5 year old nephew that he can't peek out of our front window or door until he learns how to spell the words: window or door. I then heightened my "rules" by saying in fact u can't touch anything in the house that u can't spell first. With his belly poking out, he goes, "Well, I could spell FOOD! F-O-O-D!!!" LMfao I love my kids they keep me young, laughing, and crazy.

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