Pass the popcorn, kick your feet up, pop the bubbly!

Have you ever had a crappy day, and then by the grace of the Bad Luck Gods your luck changed by the receipt of some amazing and unexpected fortune?!?!?Your either shaking yes, or looking at the screen like yeah right LoL

Purposeful Serendipities is a place to let it all go and analyze the random occurences throughout the day whether it be completely sane and logical or insane and almost WTF?!?!?. . . I completely believe things happen for a reason so good or bad there's something to it.

This blog is for pure pent up fustration release{mental, emotional, sexual (MEOW)}. . . I'm not responsible for any hurt feelings, broken bones, or uncontrollable laughs or smile. If it really moves you click the comment or contact button to flip the script and release your randomocities onto me.

Eyes Wide Open for 2011

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category: ,
Hello my favorite blog ever!!!! (As my sounds echos repeatedly in this empty world of the
"world wide web")


It is officially the last day of 2010, and here I am eyes wide open. It is 5:50 AM in the fuckin' morning, in all honesty I should be sleeping but insomnia has taken over my body.

So I lay awake with my little furry pup getting rid of some of the clutter of 2010 and thinking of the possibilities and the goals of 2011.

I'm so proud of myself for completing all of my 2010 goals. Ripped that paper full of crossed out accomplishments right off my door, and said good bye to the paper of fustration, anxiety, and yet happiness/satisfaction.

I'm not the one for new years resolutions of bullshit, because why set yourself up for unrealistic things that you remember only for the week of January. I rather come up with goals for the year and ponder my steps to completing those various. I have done alright for 2010, and I'm gonna do amazing for 2011 (I feel it in my bones ;op).

Blog for 2011, we are for sure going to place. I'm going to start by finishing 2010 by taking my behind to bed, before Tash Ba G'osh shows up in th AM with the hyper shit (Uggghhh I'M STILL SLEEPING! lol)

Over and Out
OOOO (Forever Hugs but NO KISSES),
The InExperienced Expert

Winter is coming soon to bend us over!!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Anyone who know me knows I HATEEEEEEEEE (emphasis on HATEEEEEEEE) SNOW!!!!! It's pretty in books and movies, but miserable literally10 mins after it first drops!!! One of my facebook friends just posted a picture that pretty much captions Winter 2011!!!!!

Winter 2011 is coming to a neighborhood near you
 to bend you over and screw you!!!!

Lmfao wonder if they will put that on the headlines of the local newpaper during the first snow storm

Cracking Up, Laughing Out Loud, Giggling, & Throwing SnowBallssss,
The InExperienced Expert

Forget Carrie Bradshaw! Kerry Washington is it!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I have always loved Kerry Washington!!!!!

 I love the way she carries herself. I love her diverse talent, and I love how she could mix and mingle with the best of them. She is truly senstational. It's crazy, because I try not to identify with favorites too much, but Kerry has never disappointed me and her fashion game is ALWAYS on point!!!!!

OOOO(hugs NO Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert!

Let's all hold hands and be RACIST!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Today on the news I had the pleasure of hearing of the story, involving the follow-up precautions the NY Taxi Federation sought after a shooting/robbery of a cab driver. The president of the NY State Federation of Taxi Drivers, Fernando Mateo, felt the need to say, "You know, sometimes it is good we are racially profiled, because the God's honest truth is that 99 percent of the people that are robbing, stealing, killing these drivers are blacks and Hispanics,"

If he is a president of a federation making that type of statement at heavily new covered press conferences, our society as a whole can only be making steps backwards in regards to future dreams of unity, diversity, and acceptance towards cultural differences. #HeavyEyeRoll to the President of the Idiot Club!

NY POST: NY Taxi Fed President on Racial Profiling

Heavily Annoyed and Offended!
OOOO(Hugs NO Kisses),
The InExperienced Expert

P.S. Being Black or Hispanic or any race doesn't afford you the opportunity to make racist comments towards your own race and it be acceptable.

Can't Even Hate U Might Be Great!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Can't even front! I loved Raven Symone since the Cosby Show, but her Disney Channel Ms. Cleo crap used to irk my nerves. At the end of the day I commend her for remaining a positive image and staying out of the media or out the drama. Gives hope for those big hollywood dreamers that you can be successful in a classy way without the pink hair, cleavage, and sex/drug scandals. BRAVO SYMONE

Gobble Gobble Bitches

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:

On a more semi-serious note, it is  Thanksgiving now (only because it is 1AM) and I feel the need to acknowledge things that I am thankful for.

1. Family & Friends/ Diamond
2. Breathing
3. House to sleep in
4. Amazing Support System
5. Life Lessons Learned (although some may have been hard)
6. Opportunities Available/Seized
7. Toothpaste & Soap (Keeps me fresh & keeps some of the people during my rush hour commute fresh)
8. Jokes & Laughs (Helps Pass Time)
9. My Morals (Keeps me from doing dumb ass shit)
10. Good Food to Eat. . . Fuck it I'm thankful for all my senses!!!!
11. Honesty (Honesty can hurt but you heal over time. Lies just continue to hurt the longer they last

Thankful & Happy,
(OOOO Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

Photos That Tickle Me!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
My sister and I stumbled on this find. I'm more intrigued by the quote "Be comfortable in your own skin, and let animals keep theirs!"

 I just think it's funny that the football that some still believe are made from pig skin was the chosen prop. We get he is a football player. Cuz his cocky name change didn't already confirm such  (no pun intended lol).

Covering My Eyes,
(OOOO Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

Feel Me Up ButterCup!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
As I perused the internet for Black Friday Specials, greeted me with a link to an article entitled “More TSA horror stories have emerge while agency ponders what to do.” If you have been living under a rock or have been paying attention to the media from a far like myself you might have heard of the new peek-a-boo machines installed in various airport throughout the country. These machines give TSA agents a scan of your body to verify no weapons are concealed. Because of various complaints of the invasive machines that can make the guy with a small pecker or a girl with breast cutlets in her bra blush a thousand times over, the TSA has decided on a pat down as a opt-out to the “I See You” machines.

 As it is in the nature of Americans/humans to always find something to complain about, many people also seem to find a problem with the opt-out because they are being felt up by random strangers (maybe the TSA should introduce their name and hometown to break the ice -sorry bad sense of humor). It’s these very same cry babies that make me wonder what they had to say about the various terrorists that have attempted and failed miserably. What exactly do they want the Gov to do?!?!?!?! Some of my favorite quotes from this article were:

• "They don't understand the importance of the electronic scans. They're wrong about the scanners' safety. And from the standpoint of dignity, their advice is insane. If you opt out of the scan, you'll get a pat-down instead. You'll trade a fast, invisible, intangible, privacy-protected machine inspection for an unpleasant, extended grope. In effect, you'll be telling TSA to touch your junk." – a quote from State’s Williams Saletan. (LMFAO can you imagine an ad by the machine that says “Let us touch the junk in your trunk” while “Baby got back” is playing in the lobby?!?!? – Sorry I digressed again serious face mode -_- )

• "It is not comfortable to come to work knowing full well that my hands will be feeling another man's private parts, their butt, their inner thigh," wrote one male agent. "Even worse is having to try and feel inside the flab rolls of obese passengers, and we seem to get a lot of obese passengers!" Another added that most of the travelers the agency deals with "have a problem understanding what personal hygiene is." – random TSA Agents commenting on the “beauty” of their job

• “In short: Thanks a lot, bin Laden!” – A basic sum up from the writer of the article and most valid point yet!.

I choose to laugh because more or less this is what we have come to. There are millions of things people can find wrong with the measures the gov has taken already, but it’s when they don’t do anything at all that we feel the most violated. Suck it up and just realize that we are living in different times, my safety and the safety of everyone else is more important than that quick 5 second flash that the pervert by default will get while just doing his/her job. I hate being touched by anyone including people I know, so I sympathize with those who feel violated by the “opt-out”.

Link to article:

Sheilding my body,
OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

Eat My Diapers!!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Lmfao completely disregard the pic, but I couldn't resist a Good Bush pic.

As I get older, I see myself being invited to more and more baby showers and with every invite I decide to create a diaper cake.

For those of you who are cut off from the World of Baby a diaper cake, is a tiered cake made completely out of diapers. Exciting right!?!?!? I KNOW!!!

Anyway to know me is to know all of me, so welcome to the creative side of MOI!

In this post, you'll see a variety of my diaper cake collection. EAT MY DIAPER CAKE BITCHES!!!! (Lol I couldn't resist!)

Repeating I'm allergic to babies, so I could believe it for the nite (smdh),
OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

Pet Peeves! You have 2 Be Kidding!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
This will be constantly updated seeing that a lot of stuck strike a nerve!!!!!

11/3/10 - Pet Peeves: Sidewalk Hoggers (Move the F*** over), People who see double seating as an opportunity to put a cheek in each one, Compulsive Liars (Your story is decorated to the point u breath out skittles), Loud Mouths (Shut Uppppppppp!!), Belt Forgetters (Your crack is cold & unattractive!). . . S/b: Forgot my Lunch Reason #467,778 why this day will be long as hell

Photos That Tickle My Heart

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I truly believe that a photo says 1,000 words. I love photos especially when they convey emotions and perserve memories, and serve as a time travel hole for many. Here's the photo of the day.

Obama and Michelle's hands on the railing on the boat as they are on a tour!

I hate PDA (Public Display of Affection), so I can so dig the subtle signs of affections.

Cheezing with my Iphone camera out,

OOOO (Hugs NO Kisses)

The InExperienced Expert

Never UnderMINE Love

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I have been watching the Chile Mine Mission, since yesterday with the rescue of Miner #1, and as his child and wife waited desperately for their loved one I too feel like I felt almost all the emotions they experienced as well. Even as the child burst in tear viewers felt the intensity and the emotions of the situations, the realness of the moment. Often overlooked simplicities, mining . . .miners . . .people. .. children . . .animals. . .  everything. How often do we overlook simple things, and don't realize the impact it could possibly have if it was no longer around. Now I'm still glued to CNN watching the rescue of Miner #28, watching another younger child almost breaking down as she waits to wrap her arm around the person that people probably told her she would never see again. Shivers, chills, tears, .. . . it's so real and I feel them all.

Watching this and seeing the collaboration of so many countries, people, and media channels as they work together to report and to get these miraculous survivors out makes me feel so United. For once I feel like "United Nations" actually represents the word and the world. . .our world. A world of compassion, hope, and collaboration in all adversities.

Internationally Patriotic,
(OOOO Hugs NO Kisses)

The InExperienced Expert

Monkey See, Monkey Do!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Woke up this morning, doped up on Ny-quil and orange juice but still with enough energy to keep up with the Facebook world. I noticed my Fbook friend "Dzel" had a status that required some words. His status read, "women are like monkeys..they wont let go of one branch until theyve found another branch...". I immediately thought what the fuck I know I'm not a monkey and I know just women aren't comfortable to be alone! So I had to hit him up with my creative genius lol.

So my response was: "Men are like roaches! They can't get enough of those sweet goodies, and will go after it at any cost. They love creeping at night, and every time they get caught they run like a little bitch!" lol

I also thought of Men are like leeches. They will suck the life and the emotions out of you and move on to the next victim.

Do you have any?

Laughing Uncontrollably,
OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert!

Pledge Alliegiance for Work

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I miss reciting the pledge allegiance in elementary school. We need one for work:

"I pledge allegiance to kick your ass,
 if u annoy me while at my desk.
And on my life i won't think twice.
For which you will fall.
One Ass Whooping. Under my fist. Indivisible!
 With my own liberty and justice for myself!"

Waving my patriotic ass-whooping flag,
OOOO (Hugs no Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

My Favorite Thing About You is You Listen When I TALK!!!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Hi Again! Blog World, or more less my world! (The 0 comments notification has clearly point out to me that I'm #1 - #10 on the Top 10 visitor list).

How did I get sucked into another rambling section on a Saturday night you ask?!?!?

Well 1) Surprisingly I'm sick of the clubbin' scene especially when it involves the NJ---> NY commute just travel through the filth and the harassment of the PATH Train at 4AM. I chose to stay in the comfort on my own bed with my "silly" dog for $100.

2) I was watching "Julie/Julia" a bloggers dream movie filled with an active audience and blogger success, and I was inspired to dust off my own blog and show a little LOVE to the WORLD WIDE PSYCHOWEB!

3) I'm procrastinating on working on my only obstacle to my Masters Degree. Procastination is so bad, but is such a place of warmth, comfort, and easy. It is so easy for me to curl on my bed and go to sleep, than to leaf through amples of articles and books looking for backup to research that seems to makes sense in my chaotic mind.

World of Choas/Rambles/Confusion . . . That's my world! I could lie and say I want it any other way, but then what's a white blank wall without a little dirt, grime, marker, paint, finger prints, etc. . . . boring and without a story and personality.

Thanks for being the shelter for my words, rambles, vents, and pure craziness. Thank you for listening when i WRALK (WRITE/TALK)

Rambling On
OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

P.S. New coined phrase: "Misery loves company, so don't get tripped!!!!!" Makes perfect sense to me, don't become a victim

P.P.S. New way of saying "FUCK OFF" . . . "DEEP-THROAT MY STILETTOS" that has been my personal favorite due to the looks of shames and unlike from my Facebook Friends!!!!! (Bye For Real, back to PROCRASTINATION!)

If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category: ,
QUESTION OF THE DAY: If I told you I loved you, would you believe me? Lol

I'm a sucker for romance, like probably all the other women on the face of the earth. Funny as I watch Cheaters on G4, I'm thinking these cheater are probably thinking the same thing. Is love a quick fix to an ugly situation or is it that warm, embracing, genuine, support system that is that through good, bad, ugly, rich, poor etc . . .


And blog. . . I may have semi-forgot about you, but if you asked me if I love you, you could believe I would say yes and it would be true.

I watch the chick flick "Easy A" today, and fell completely in love with it of course. Like the movie said although chivalry may appear to be dead, there is someone at there for everyone and love comes in different forms shapes and sizes. . .. just be prepared to embrace and accept it when it comes knocking!!!!!

Hopeless Romantic Signing Out,
OOOO(Hugs no Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

No Crying Allowed Huh?!?!?!?

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:

(Pic from

Often I’m waving a big flag in front of my friends’ faces letting them know that it’s ok for them to feel defeated and upset, but it’s either no crying or they have 1 opportunity for a “good cry” and then they have to keep going.

Funny how it’s so easy to give out advice, but even more hard to take your own advice, in the past few days I have found plenty life FU moments that has either given me the urge to cry or has actually made me cry in defeat. Cry of defeat, but it feels so good.

So when is it ok to shed a few tears for life adversities?!?!?!

Put out your pens and papers for my list of excused moments for the waterworks:

• Death in a family/friend/pet/hero/role model etc. . . (You cry over the death of your plant, I might have to beat you over the head with it).

• Loss of job/opportunity (You are only allowed to cry for 2 minutes for this one, because after your cry you will busy looking for ways to win and achieve better opportunities.

• Broken heart (I hate crying over an asshole or jerk, but guys are con-artist with the way they manipulate girls and their hearts [Girls are capable of this as well]. I came across a quote the other day stating that “women may fake orgasms, but men can fake a whole relationship!” Crying over a love is allowed because I would be mad to that I was deceived and I wasted time or loss a good catch over some dumb situation. Then again all is fair in love and basketball right?

• Severe wounds. Pain isn’t always love, if it hurts extremely cry for 1 minute then get over and take yourself to a hospital because tears does not heal anything.



Currently Crying LEAVE ME ALONE,

(OOOO, Hugs No Kisses)

The InExperienced Expert

Take ya Paws off my Mane!!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
What is up with finger happy people playing and raking their germ infested fingers in your locks whether they are real or fake?!?!?!? WTFFFF and a big F&*K Y@ to the touchy feely individual!

I have to guess their parents never taught them the etiquette of looking, but not touching. Often I find myself at work or at a social event, where a stranger or an associate may comment on my biweekly wig, weave, or maybe just my own hair, but yet they not only have to comment but they have to touch and feel the hair. I’m sorry what?!?!??! Like Hello ASSHOLE what are you going to do when my wig gets caught on your ring or for whatever reason remains in your hands rather than my head?!?!?

I’m the type of person who doesn’t like being touched regardless, so I could do without the extra feels of my “fa-real” (fake or real) hair.

Maybe it’s necessary to create buttons that people should wear to warn people you could look, but don’t touch. (DING!. . . I love technology!)

Browse below for my PSA buttons for the touchy happy assholes in the world. Purchase @ your own risk. (Insert Evil Laugh here)

Currently hiding my hair!!!

OOOO (No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

Shopping the World w/out Leaving your Home

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I love shopping, and I love a good buy. I love cute outfits, but I won’t be the one buying an atrocious outfit just because it graced the cover of vogue or went down the runway of Fashion Week in NYC. Give me a break, times are hard and we are in the middle of a recession. My favorite buys are A) Off the clearance rack or a good BOGO or B) Rainbows/Mandees/Forever 21/Charlotte Russe/LoveCulture etc . . C) Better yet the Internet.
(My doodle)

The internet can you get you the best of the best without leaving your doorsteps. From premium brands to premium bootlegs. You do however have to be careful of illegitimate sites, hackers, sharing your information with 3rd party clients, or just overall leaving your identity opened to WHOLE WIDE WORD!!!

In this post, I decided to share the world of Sample Sale site online. This gives you the best of the bourgeoisie with pockets of the street vendor. If you know anything about sample sales you have to get there early to get the best finds, but with the perks of the internet you get to do it from the comfort of your own home without having to hit anyone over the head or to plan anything methodical to get the item you desire.

Here are exclusive invites (IT’S INVITE ONLY SO CLICK THE LINK) to a few sample sites that I shop from often:


Rue La La


Gilt Groupe

Beyond the Rack

• Editor's Closet

Shop ‘Til You Drop,

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)

The InExperienced Expert

Saying “I Do!”

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
This weekend I had the pleasure of attending a wedding, and I love getting dressed up so of course I went to town with a dress to wear and all the accessories. I guess its cultural differences because I looked like I was going to my prom and everyone else looked like they were going to a Sunday mass. I guess it’s a little different because in my family it’s important to get all dressed up for pics and to be up to par with the elegance of the ceremony.

Weddings are magical because you get to see family members you never typically get to see in a style and grace that you don’t get to see so often. My favorite parts are the words shared whether they are vows or just speeches of encouragement and support from the people that know the bride and the groom best.

Since 2010, I have seen a variety of weddings from Christian, BBQ/Pool Party Reception, 5 minute ceremony etc . . . the common factor of these weddings is they all end with the phrase “I DO”.

Do you promise to love and cherish her/him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her/him, for so long as you both shall live? "I do."

Do you together promise in the presence of your friends and family that you will at all times and in all circumstances, conduct yourselves toward one another as becomes Husband and Wife? "We do."

Do you together promise you will love, cherish and respect one another throughout the years? "We do."

(Pic taken from

Sound off: What’s your favorite part of weddings? Experience of wedding? Do you think we’re far from attending Virtual Weddings on the Computers?

Currently planning my fedding (Fake Wedding),

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)

The Inexperienced Expert

Modern Day Ghandi/Hero?!?!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
I love a good headline. Today I came across one which read, “Sully who? JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater becomes hero to wage earners everywhere” on the Ny Daily News Website. The article is about a fed-up flight attendant who cursed out a plane full of people after being disrespected and slid down the emergency slide of the plane with a beer in his hands, as he stood up for himself in maybe the most controversial way possible. It’s something that people often wish they could, even almost visualizing the scene, and practicing the speech they would say if they had that opportunity.

Myself included I used to have a manager who would get mad and throw things around rather than ask employees to fix shelves to a specific standard. Often I wanted to play dodgeball with her, catch some of the items and them peg her with them as I screamed “How do you like them apples?!?!”

Not a fan of violence, but sound off on some of your Hero Work Stories, where you stood up for someone in the office or stood up for yourself or your beliefs in some way.

Flat Tire! Ughhhhhhh

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Sucks when you’re cruising in your hoopty or dream car, and then all of sudden you hear a sound and bumps like your ride is no longer a smooth ride. As you’re driving a long through the bumps, thumping along hoping no one notices and hoping you don’t spin out or anything. You then begin to think of all of the things you needed to do to prevent the flat tire. The maintenance check up that you scheduled but didn’t go. The check engine light on that you saw but you ignored, and the sound tracks of your broken down car that you bopped your head to rather than listened closely to figure out what needs to be repaired first.

As you wait on the side of the road lookin’ like a three-legged sucker, you begin to get your tools out. Take out the jack, the tire iron, the spare. You begin to go to work. Jacking up the car to look at the damage, unloosening the lugs to prepare to take the tire off, and prepping the spare to put it back on your car to continue on your journey,

The title of my blog is Purposeful Serendipities for a reason. While looking up Flat Tire to help prepare for this particular post I came across the Edmund’s Guide to Changing a Flat Tire which stated, “Changing a flat tire is not a very pleasant experience. It seems like your car purposely tries to get a flat tire at the least opportune moments.”

Like this website stated you feel like the Gods of Luck are damning your every step, but in a weird serendipitous way it’s more a crude reminder of all that you need to do and accomplish to avoid flat tires and to get to your destination faster. It’s a process but on the rollercoaster of life the bittersweet moments are the ones that make you appreciate the things you often underestimate or look over. Moral of today’s post is to schedule your check-up, remember the tools you have available to you to help exploit your resources and to get from Point A to Point B content with your journey and the gas you wasted along the way.

I hate being dependent on people, but I also hate being on the road alone changing a flat tire. I appreciate the harsh reminder of promises I made to myself on my road to Success with my own place and my Acura/Infiniti/Audi but with a room full of loved ones. I guess you just have to take the good with the bad, and roll with the punches/flat tire.

Flat and our of air(just for a little bit :o/),

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

First Everything! Lady, Style, Class, & Intelligence

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
From time to time, I definitely want to recognize people, places, or things that put me in awe. The person, place or thing maybe a celebrity or it may be someone or something unknown like on a local aspect.

This week, I would like to focus on First Lady Michelle Obama. It’s been spoken about before, but Mrs. Obama is definitely doing her thing with her style, grace, elegant, and overall confidence. Sometimes I feel like she is more of the president than Barack Obama in the attention she commands. I hope her behind=the-door personality coincides with her media personality (meaning I hope she’s not a CAPITAL B-I-T-C-H because the way she walk around makes me wish she was my mom reading me a bed time story lol. She just seems that sweet and amazing).

Pics of the Amazing First Lady in Action:


 (Los Angeles Time Photo)

(The Hollywood

(Fashion bomb daily)

( Huffington Post)



Currently Loving the First Lady,

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert

The new “Haitian President” Reality Show

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
As you get to know me you learned that I care about the world and what’s going on, but I don’t care to know the extra BS or the extra publicity stunt, corruption, or @$$ kicking methodology that’s goes into the process. I’m choosing to talk about the following topic because it’s near and dear to my heart because it’s about the country of my family and ancestors: Haiti.

Lately on Facebook and through other conversations with friends and family, Wyclef running for president has come up in conversation. First thing that comes to mind is Oh No! First Robocop with California and now the guy who rap on “Hips Don’t Lie”, croons on “Gone ‘til November!”, and spits that creole on “Carnival” about KFC and Chinese food, as the president of a country in the process of severe reconstruction.

(Pic from:

Wyclef is an amazing advocate for Haiti. He was the man who was waving a Haitian Flag loud and proud, when other celebrities and non-celebrities were burying their Haitian flags DEEEEEEPPPPPPPP in the back of their closet. I can’t think of a day Wyclef denounced his ancestry, which is what has always made me proud to support him. I feel as if he knows and stand for who he is, so should I.

Even after the unfortunate 7.0 Earthquake that occurred in Haiti on January 12, 2010, Wyclef was among the first responders, running to drag bodies from the rubble. He was collecting money. He was dropping off food, clothes, and any other supplies that the people of Haiti needed. It was clear that the man, who tied that Haitian Bandana around his head for award shows and other events, knew what it meant to be a proud Haitian; one who truly cared about the people of Haiti and the welfare of the country as a whole.

It’s clear that Wyclef cares about Haiti, and will rally, support, and love his country in all their endeavors, but why now does he want to run for President. Haiti has been struggling for many years in the hands of poor and in adequate leaders even before the Earthquake, so where was Wyclef then? Where was his interest to run for President? In the eyes of a PR person, this is the best time to make such an announcement for the press and love of the fans on a more global aspect. Another question of mine is will he win because he’s Wyclef or will he win because he will get the job done? And I’m not talking about getting the job done through an A-List Rolodex contact base, but I’m talking about that Wyclef who will drop everything to go drag that body out from rubble. The Wyclef who will recognize the difference between the things that are possible and the things he will have to attempt to make possible. The Wyclef who will recognize the inexistent budget or a financial hole Haiti is in, and realize his resources are limited but the possibilities never endless.

My whole point, I think Wyclef running for President is crazy, but crazy is never bad if you can prove that you can get the job done, and know you’re doing it for the right reason. Haiti needs a real hero, not a celebrity politician who wants to win a title so they can go on various talk shows, post tweet messages every 5 seconds or have tweet contests with other celebrities, or who’s sitting in a completely different country watching their newly owned country fail miserably.

Idk what’s to come or what the other potential candidates may offer, but I hope they offer Haiti realities, hope, restore their faith, and preserve the history of Haiti. I hope when I’m watching TV to see the Paradise travel agent commercials with Haiti as the focal point. I want to be able to see and recognize My Haiti for it's hidden jewels, and I want to see a government focus on the growth of the country as a whole and not just a growth in position. I believe we're not too far from my dream.
(Photo by:, Pictures by Michael Emeran - The South and Les Cayes)

(Photo  taken

Praying and Missing Haiti,

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses)
The InExperienced Expert


Psychology of Heels!!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
As I’m strutting through the halls of my office building, minding my own business every now and then I get a shout out for my shoes. I’m a shoe-a-holic so I can appreciate the feedback on my shoe game! Having a shoegasm in the store is the best feeling, especially when you continue to have that experience each time you wear those shoes.

Now I’m not crazy!!!! You may be thinking they are just shoes, but I’m going to need to set up the stage for you.

Guys: You’re sitting at a table in your own world, and then you hear the click and clacks of the heels you then proceed to look up and you see a woman in some nice stilettos, walking with an air of confidence that is so overwhelming you can’t even look away.

Ladies: Walk with me (Literally!). Think of your nicest pair of shoes, the one that each time you see you go damn these shoes are sexy all on their own, and then think about how you feel when you put them on your feet. (Yup, I hear it already. Ohhhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!)

I’m not going to lie, and say that pumps and stilettos are the most comfortable shoes in the world, because I will kick them bad boys off in a minute to put on some flats to chill in. But I love the way a pair of sexy heels make me feel. It’s like the entire attitude and confidence that the shoe possess, I begin to possess as well.

When I’m strutting in pumps, I feel taller and sexier. I guess more confident in the respect that with a fly ass pair of shoes, there is no denying How ”bad” I look.

I wonder if there’s a mental aspect to it?!?!? I mean when we put on rain boots or constructions boot, or raggedy ass sneakers does our personality or the way we feel about ourselves change accordingly. I mean I’m not expecting guys to walk around with heels on, so that they can feel sexier or confident but could it be we are what we walk in?!?!?

Let’s Play a Game: Sneakerality! – Look at pics A – H and let me know what each picture would make you feel like or how it would make you walk if you had them on your feet.

SOUND OFF: Please sound off if you have a Shoe Addiction, or if you feel that your shoes talk to you and alters your persona to some degree.

**For any further information on this topic google it, or click on the Psychology Today "The Psychology of Women - What is the Meaning of High Heels?"

Keep Strutting your stuff,
OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

Why I won't get hired in 2010!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:
Lmfao while playing a game of "Google Search" (Don't ask, don't tell). I stumbled across an article on entitled, "Job Search Struggles: The 10 People Who Don't Get Hired!". I couldn't help but laugh, and you'll see why as I break down their analysis.

1. The Inexperienced Expert – They claim to be an expert on a subject, but conversation and their job history reveal they have no real experience. This leaves experienced hiring managers unimpressed. (Funny how I make it to #1. . . This explains it all)

2. The Overly Persistent Inquirer –Repeatedly calling the interviewer to ask if a decision about the position has been made demonstrates this candidate’s lack of finesse and may cross the line into stalking. These are not the skills employers are looking for. (Yeah what happened to all those teachers and mentors who told me Persistence is Key and to never give up?!?!? Clearly they aren’t the ones getting promotions or hired according to this list)

3. The Flirt – Obviously more interested in landing a date with the interviewer than the job, the flirt is a walking HR disaster and a liability employers will quickly dismiss. Employers will quickly question the flirt’s ethics and professionalism. (I wish I could witness a flirt in an interview, probably hilarious. To be perfectly honest there's an office hoe in almost every office, so can someone please explain to me how she got hired?!?!? I'm not condoning it, but I'm just stating that in our sexualized culture how often is "The Flirst" kicked to the curb rather than being held as a company "perk).

4. The Liar – Lying about their education or experience to make themselves appear more qualified for the position makes an impression – a negative one that will hurt their long-term job search. (HELLO HAS ANYONE LOOKED OR LISTENED TO HALF OF THE CEOS AT THE TOP COMPANIES!!!! Let’s just say having a dad in a top place makes the lies look sweeter and less harmful!!! Again not condoning lying HR always find out the dirt and whatever they miss someone else will definitely put on blast!)

5. The HR Nightmare – They share too much personal information about their lifestyle choices, political views, or religious beliefs in every interview question, leaving employers bewildered and ready to move on to more thoughtful candidates. (I agree a Chatty Kathy in a workplace is bad for business, not only is she annoying but she’s cutting down production time!)

6. The Champion – Claiming in the interview they’ll outshine all current staff members is a turn off and an insult to a hiring manager’s sensibility and decision-making skills. (These "Champions" are not only annoying and cocky, but they are the first to fail or mess up on a group project. Kick Rocks you False Positive!)

7. The Overachiever – They can’t come up with a personal weakness to describe and talk about themselves as near super-human. This makes employers wonder if the candidate is just naïve, or worse, completely self-centered. (Everyone wants to be the overachiever, I don’t think anyone is going to walk into the office and say, “Well I easily get distracted!”, “I let my personal life interfere with my family life”, or even “I pretend to listen to people and do what I want in conclusion!” Let’s be real no one is perfect, but I don’t see anyone going to the office showing all the scars on the arm. I think it’s key to mention what you can do, what you expect to do, and what you will try your best to do. I’m no expert tho! LoL)

8. The Begger – With desperation, they beg the hiring manager to choose them because they’re tired of looking for a job. This leaves the hiring manager wondering about loyalty, competency, and common sense. ( Hello we’re in a recession, I’ll be begging for a job soon too!!! Help me, Help me Please! Lol seriously begging is a bad look makes you look weak in a place where you want to look strong!)

9. The Aggressor – Refusing to leave the interviewer’s office until they’re offered a job, the candidate’s aggressive behavior lands them an armed escort out of the building, rather than an invitation to start a new job. (Aggressiveness makes you the Office Bully I couldn’t agree more, and I hear Work Place Violence is on the rise, you don’t want to be the next face of America’s Most Wanted!)

10. The Casual Candidate – They dress inappropriately, show up late, and can’t provide specific answers to questions. This causes employers to question whether this is the candidate’s idea of a good impression and what they would act like in the office every day. (I agree why apply if you clearly just don’t give a F#C%! Go Home and Continue watching Maury!)

(Here's a link to the real article: Top 10 People Who don't get hired!)

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

I'm so Hangry!!!!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:

(Pic of my actual plate after my Hangry Rampage - Notice the Sad Face!)
The art of balancing being hungry and civil at the same time. Out shopping and I'm ready to strangle the next rude cashier that crosses my path. Why is it so easy to switch from "Hi, how doing" to "Bitch, hurry the fuck up!"?!?!?! Here's another oxymoron that comes to mind: Civil UpRoars!!!!!!
Anyone who knows me knows that when I don’t eat, they might as well move out my way before I push them out of my way literally. PSA: Don’t mess with a girl who shopping on an empty stomach!!!!! COMPLY! COMPLY! COMPLY! j/k

Considering my many encounters with being Hangry, I decided to come up with Tips on dealing with Hangry People!

1. Don’t continue annoying them! If you know the thing that annoys them most, now would not be the time to test out how to piss them off the fastest.

2. If they ask you a question or for an opinion. Shit, you better provide some kind of valid feedback, better than “Whatever you think”.

3. Snacks and any other food you can swing their way to hold them over will win you major “Brownie Points”!

4. If you know they are a picky eater and don’t eat items (A-Z) try to remember their dislikes, rather than bringing up spots that you know is going to make them want to smack you.

5. If you know someone who is hangry, don’t continue to deprive them of food it will only get worse! (I’m speaking from experience, I am a frequent victim of food deprivation)

6. Don’t bring them around food you have no attention or buying or know that they cannot afford!

7. Make attempts to feed them to show you care or understand the situation at hand

8. Realize that their moods will fluctuate from happy, sad, to I want to kick your ass, They are not bi-polar just a little moody.

9. Refrain from making fun of how quick they devoured the food. They will be in a better mood, but don’t think that now that their stomach is full they won’t kick you ass!

10. Guys if you dealing with a woman, be understanding. Guys if you dealing with a man, pass him a stick of gum or whatever is in your pocket stale or not. (Guys typically eat anything!) Ladies if you are dealing with a woman (try to put down your bitch smacking hand and understand the hunger pains). Ladies if you are dealing with a guy who is hangry (remind him not to get out of line and that your trying to think of the quickest way to feed their belly)!

Lol, don’t take my tips to heart when your working with your Hangry Cry Baby, but just keep in mind how you would feel if you were super hungry with stomach pains, sitting in a traffic jam where you could see the restaurant you want to go eat at, but the congestion of traffic is preventing you from pulling in to that parking lot! Damn, just typing that I could feel the pain of that individual!

Until next time

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),

The InExperienced Expert

Hi! Aloha! ! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! Shalom! Zdravstvuyte! Jambo!

Author: The InExperienced Expert // Category:

In the age of technology, things are more often becoming digital than paper and pen. Since the beginning of my youth I have always felt the urge to express myself through paper and pen, through the use of doodles poetry, and even hate letters (that fortunately never were sent).

I don't know what it is about creating a blog, but it's something that I've been tossing around in my head for the past couple of weeks. I have little idea as to what I will blog about, but it's a journey worth exploring! I know at the end of beating on the keys of my keyboards you not only know more about who I am, but you will also learn a little about the world and the people around us.

To begin I decided to name this blog, Purposeful Serendipities. I don't mean to be like the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", and travel through the root words and orgins, but I will take you on a trip with the smart guy Webster or more like to explore the definitions of the two words.

Main Entry: pur•pose•ful

Pronunciation: \ˈpər-pəs-fəl\
Function: adjective
Date: 1853
1 : having a purpose: as a : MEANINGFUL b : INTENTIONAL
2 : full of determination

Main Entry: ser•en•dip•i•ty
Pronunciation: \-ˈdi-pə-tē\
Function: noun
Etymology: from its possession by the heroes of the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip
Date: 1754
1 : the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for

(Definitions taken from: Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online. Retrieved 8/3/10)

My point of exploring the definitions is because everything and anything talked about during our journey together even if not sought for will have meaning and serve purpose in one way or another. I’m a strong believer in things happening for a reason, so let the games begin!!!!

OOOO (Hugs No Kisses),
The InExperienced Expert